UNIX Commands Cheat Sheet
UNIX – Basic GNU Bash (Shell) Commands
- cd directory name or path
changes the current directory to that specified. The variable $HOME is the default directory. Typing cd by itself, with nothing following it, takes you to the highest directory; it is usually the same as typing cd $HOME.
- chmod numbers filename
chmod 777 filename allows everyone to read, write, and execute the file.
- exit
- help command
type the name of the command you want to understand
- ln –s pathToBeFound pathEasierToFind
makes symbolic links (“symlinks”) between files
- logout
- ls
lists all the files in the current directory
- ls –al filename
“l” gives you the long listing so that you can see permissions. The r, w, and x specify the read, write, and execute access, respectively;
“a” show all files, even those that are normally hidden. - mkdir newDirectoryName
makes a new directory with the name specified inside the directory where you currently are located.
- nano filename
allows you to edit that file in a pine-like editing environment
- pwd
tells you the path for the current directory
- rm filename
removes a file
- rmdir directoryName
removes a directory