EEBO Word Frequency
Words and frequency counts culled from the EEBO TCP transcriptions (abridged to the first 2.3million).
word | frequency |
commandpermission | 1 |
commandphil | 1 |
commandpor | 1 |
commandprafecti | 1 |
commandprinces | 1 |
commandproud | 1 |
commandprov | 1 |
commandpsa | 1 |
commandreason | 1 |
commandrrs | 1 |
commandsall | 1 |
commandsalmightie | 1 |
commandsbaxters | 1 |
commandsbern | 1 |
commandsbut | 1 |
commandsca | 1 |
commandscan | 1 |
commandsconsider | 1 |
commandscynegirus | 1 |
commandsdye | 1 |
commandsect | 1 |
commandsexod | 1 |
commandsextended | 1 |
commandsfor | 1 |
commandsgal | 1 |
commandshall | 1 |
commandshis | 1 |
commandshow | 1 |
commandsibm | 1 |
commandsicut | 1 |
commandsid | 1 |
commandsin | 1 |
commandsioh | 1 |
commandslook | 1 |
commandsluk | 1 |
commandsluke | 1 |
commandsmagistratus | 1 |
commandsmatt | 1 |
commandsno | 1 |
commandsnow | 1 |
commandsomething | 1 |
commandspag | 1 |
commandspeed | 1 |
commandspro | 1 |
commandsps | 1 |
commandstaple | 1 |
commandstd | 1 |
commandstephen | 1 |
commandsthese | 1 |
commandsthucydides | 1 |
commandstob | 1 |
commandsverbum | 1 |
commandswhen | 1 |
commandswhere | 1 |
commandswift | 1 |
commandszach | 1 |
commands§ | 1 |
commandtents | 1 |
commandthey | 1 |
commandtiberius | 1 |
commandtitus | 1 |
commandtolet | 1 |
commandtroubles | 1 |
commanducatae | 1 |
commanducatum | 1 |
commanducetur | 1 |
commandudicious | 1 |
commandvasquez | 1 |
commandver | 1 |
commandvide | 1 |
commandwe | 1 |
commandwhat | 1 |
commandwhen | 1 |
commandwhich | 1 |
commandy | 1 |
commandyet | 1 |
commandyngemyne | 1 |
command¦ed | 1 |
commandâmes | 1 |
commandéd | 1 |
commandés | 1 |
commandêd | 1 |
commaneat | 1 |
commanem | 1 |
commanements | 1 |
commanentes | 1 |
commanentibus | 1 |
commanents | 1 |
commaneth | 1 |
commani | 1 |
commanibus | 1 |
commanicare | 1 |
commanicatae | 1 |
commanies | 1 |
commanilla | 1 |
commanipulares | 1 |
commanipulones | 1 |
commanis | 1 |
commaniter | 1 |
commanium | 1 |
commankings | 1 |
commanmander | 1 |
commanmanders | 1 |
commanmanding | 1 |
commanmentes | 1 |
commanmentsof | 1 |
commanndemēt | 1 |
commanndest | 1 |
commannds | 1 |
commanndyd | 1 |
commanof | 1 |
commanr | 1 |
commanrements | 1 |
commanrs | 1 |
commanso | 1 |
commant | 1 |
commanud | 1 |
commanude- | 1 |
commanudemente | 1 |
commanunding | 1 |
commany | 1 |
comman¦deth | 1 |
comman¦dethmath | 1 |
comman¦ed | 1 |
commançai | 1 |
commançay | 1 |
comman̄ded | 1 |
comman̄dement | 1 |
comman̄dment | 1 |
comman̄¦demente | 1 |
commarades | 1 |
commarads | 1 |
commarantes | 1 |
commarchanis | 1 |
commarepani | 1 |
commaria | 1 |
commarque | 1 |
commartin | 1 |
commasculanda | 1 |
commasculated | 1 |
commasculârat | 1 |
commasculâris | 1 |
commasculârunt | 1 |
commaserated | 1 |
commat | 1 |
commatation | 1 |
commaterial | 1 |
commates | 1 |
commatibus | 1 |
commaticus | 1 |
commatrem | 1 |
commatres | 1 |
commauddementes | 1 |
commaudementes | 1 |
commaudeth | 1 |
commaudis | 1 |
commaudments | 1 |
commaunaements | 1 |
commaunced | 1 |
commaundament | 1 |
commaundanacharsis | 1 |
commaundaries | 1 |
commaundaug | 1 |
commaundaunt | 1 |
commaunded1 | 1 |
commaunded1you | 1 |
commaundedduke | 1 |
commaundedexo | 1 |
commaundedin | 1 |
commaundedleui | 1 |
commaundedlib | 1 |
commaundedlucullus | 1 |
commaundedluke | 1 |
commaundedmanich | 1 |
commaundedmat | 1 |
commaundedmath | 1 |
commaundednon | 1 |
commaundedsimon | 1 |
commaundedthree | 1 |
commaundedvincen | 1 |
commaundedvvarre | 1 |
commaundeents | 1 |
commaundemen | 1 |
commaundemenis | 1 |
commaundement10 | 1 |
commaundementaemylius | 1 |
commaundementand | 1 |
commaundementcaesars | 1 |
commaundementdeut | 1 |
commaundementecclesiast | 1 |
commaundementepist | 1 |
commaundementes0 | 1 |
commaundementesa | 1 |
commaundementesand | 1 |
commaundementesay | 1 |
commaundementeseccl | 1 |
commaundementesihon | 1 |
commaundementesleui | 1 |
commaundementeslib | 1 |
commaundementesmath | 1 |
commaundementesprofe | 1 |
commaundementesthe | 1 |
commaundementeszabulon | 1 |
commaundementfox | 1 |
commaundementiohn | 1 |
commaundementireneus | 1 |
commaundementis | 1 |
commaundementleui | 1 |
commaundementleuit | 1 |
commaundementlev | 1 |
commaundementmar | 1 |
commaundementmatt | 1 |
commaundementmatth | 1 |
commaundementmt | 1 |
commaundementprouerb | 1 |
commaundementprouerbs | 1 |
commaundementrom | 1 |
commaundementscypr | 1 |
commaundementsdeu | 1 |
commaundementsdeut | 1 |
commaundementsexod | 1 |
commaundementsin | 1 |
commaundementsisaiah | 1 |
commaundementsmal | 1 |
commaundementsmatth | 1 |
commaundementsps | 1 |
commaundementspsa | 1 |
commaundementsrom | 1 |
commaundementstit | 1 |
commaundementwhat | 1 |
commaundemet | 1 |
commaundemētesesay | 1 |
commaundemētesleuit | 1 |
commaundemētsephe | 1 |
commaundemē¦es | 1 |
commaundemment | 1 |
commaundemnt | 1 |
commaundem̄t | 1 |
commaunderfaith | 1 |
commaunderfortitude | 1 |
commaunderie | 1 |
commaunderies | 1 |
commaunderm | 1 |
commaunders21800 | 1 |
commaundersat | 1 |
commaundeste | 1 |
commaundeth1 | 1 |
commaundethdeut | 1 |
commaundethdeutr | 1 |
commaundethebut | 1 |
commaundethep | 1 |
commaundethiew | 1 |
commaundethlib | 1 |
commaundethreply | 1 |
commaundets | 1 |
commaundeur | 1 |
commaundexod | 1 |
commaunde¦mēt | 1 |
commaunde¦mētes | 1 |
commaundfaith | 1 |
commaundgods | 1 |
commaundhe | 1 |
commaundhedge | 1 |
commaundhugh | 1 |
commaundid | 1 |
commaundimentes | 1 |
commaundimēts | 1 |
commaundingerythea | 1 |
commaundingwhich | 1 |
commaundiohn | 1 |
commaundis | 1 |
commaundit | 1 |
commaundlet | 1 |
commaundmath | 1 |
commaundmatt | 1 |
commaundmen¦tes | 1 |
commaundmet | 1 |
commaundmēts | 1 |
commaundnentes | 1 |
commaundnon | 1 |
commaundobiection | 1 |
commaundoffices | 1 |
commaundoment | 1 |
commaundour | 1 |
commaundpref | 1 |
commaundput | 1 |
commaundrie | 1 |
commaundsome | 1 |
commaundwhat | 1 |
commaundwilfulnes | 1 |
commaundys | 1 |
commaund¦mentes | 1 |
commaundėd | 1 |
commaunemen | 1 |
commaunementes | 1 |
commaunment | 1 |
commauns | 1 |
commaun¦dedst | 1 |
commaun¦demente | 1 |
commaun¦demēt | 1 |
commaun¦dith | 1 |
commaun¦dyng | 1 |
commaun¦dynge | 1 |
commausndes | 1 |
commauud | 1 |
commauudement | 1 |
commauudements | 1 |
commauund | 1 |
commaū | 1 |
commaūdedact | 1 |
commaūdeddeut | 1 |
commaūdeease | 1 |
commaūdementmathe | 1 |
commaūdemētluke | 1 |
commaūdest | 1 |
commaūdeth1 | 1 |
commaūdethi | 1 |
commaūdmentes | 1 |
commaūdments | 1 |
commaūdmētes | 1 |
commaūdmē¦tes | 1 |
commaūds | 1 |
commaūdynge | 1 |
commaūd¦ment | 1 |
commaūed | 1 |
commaū¦deth | 1 |
commavnded | 1 |
commavndement | 1 |
commavre | 1 |
commawndement | 1 |
commawn¦dement | 1 |
commaydyd | 1 |
comma¦undement | 1 |
comma¦undmentes | 1 |
commaúnded | 1 |
commaûg | 1 |
commāda | 1 |
commādementes | 1 |
commādementgood | 1 |
commādementof | 1 |
commādemēt | 1 |
commāder | 1 |
commādmentsfirst | 1 |
commādyng | 1 |
commāmandement | 1 |
commānd | 1 |
commānded | 1 |
commā¦dement | 1 |
commcated | 1 |
commcatus | 1 |
commcer | 1 |
commculans | 1 |
commda | 1 |
commdae | 1 |
commdans | 1 |
commded | 1 |
commdement | 1 |
commdemnent | 1 |
commder | 1 |
commders | 1 |
commdill | 1 |
commding | 1 |
commdior | 1 |
commdious | 1 |
commditas | 1 |
commditie | 1 |
commdities | 1 |
commditis | 1 |
commdity | 1 |
commdments | 1 |
commdo | 1 |
commdous | 1 |
commds | 1 |
commdum | 1 |
commeabant | 1 |
commeabile | 1 |
commeandements | 1 |
commeandum | 1 |
commeantem | 1 |
commeantesminime | 1 |
commeapostrophe | 1 |
commeare | 1 |
commeasurable | 1 |
commeasurators | 1 |
commeasured | 1 |
commeataetius | 1 |
commeatariis | 1 |
commeate | 1 |
commeatibus | 1 |
commeatumsatyruss | 1 |
commeatumve | 1 |
commeatur | 1 |
commeatûs | 1 |
commeauit | 1 |
commeaverat | 1 |
commecd | 1 |
commeced | 1 |
commecii | 1 |
commeco | 1 |
commecrat | 1 |
commedableness | 1 |
commedably | 1 |
commedacion | 1 |
commedaions | 1 |
commedat | 1 |
commedatior | 1 |
commeddled | 1 |
commede | 1 |
commeded | 1 |
commeded2 | 1 |
commedelam | 1 |
commedent | 1 |
commederit | 1 |
commederunt | 1 |
commedes | 1 |
commediant | 1 |
commedicuoly | 1 |
commediennes | 1 |
commediescommedies | 1 |
commediesplato | 1 |
commedimus | 1 |
commeding | 1 |
commedior | 1 |
commedious | 1 |
commedis | 1 |
commedit | 1 |
commediter | 1 |
commedities | 1 |
commeditis | 1 |
commedius | 1 |
commedo | 1 |
commedyen | 1 |
commedè | 1 |
commeff | 1 |
commegena | 1 |
commeiay | 1 |
commeil | 1 |
commeje | 1 |
commel-cawn | 1 |
commelet | 1 |
commeline | 1 |
commelinesse | 1 |
commelino | 1 |
commelinum | 1 |
commelyn | 1 |
commemd | 1 |
commemded | 1 |
commemended | 1 |
commements | 1 |
commemeration | 1 |
commemeratur | 1 |
commemini | 1 |
commeministi | 1 |
commemoant | 1 |
commemoation | 1 |
commemoatione | 1 |
commemoatiō | 1 |
commemoiatio | 1 |
commemorabant | 1 |
commemorabiliorem | 1 |
commemorabis | 1 |
commemorabor | 1 |
commemorabunturreminiscentur | 1 |
commemoracion | 1 |
commemoraed | 1 |
commemoraetionem | 1 |
commemorandam | 1 |
commemorande | 1 |
commemorandis | 1 |
commemorandos | 1 |
commemorandus | 1 |
commemoransrom | 1 |