EEBO Word Frequency
Words and frequency counts culled from the EEBO TCP transcriptions (abridged to the first 2.3million).
word | frequency |
austeritiesserm | 1 |
austeritius | 1 |
austeritys | 1 |
austeritythis | 1 |
austerius | 1 |
austeriusibid | 1 |
austeriy | 1 |
austerly | 1 |
austernascitur | 1 |
austernesse | 1 |
austern̄ | 1 |
austerove | 1 |
austerumque | 1 |
austervell | 1 |
austerâ | 1 |
austes | 1 |
austetityes | 1 |
austeus | 1 |
austiages | 1 |
austianno0 | 1 |
austias | 1 |
austiine | 1 |
austin-friers | 1 |
austin-fryer | 1 |
austin7 | 1 |
austinactorizabant | 1 |
austinadversus | 1 |
austinandreas | 1 |
austinangn | 1 |
austinaugustine | 1 |
austinaugustlord | 1 |
austinbasil | 1 |
austinbeati | 1 |
austinc | 1 |
austincont | 1 |
austincontra | 1 |
austindeus | 1 |
austine218 | 1 |
austineaug | 1 |
austineaustine | 1 |
austinebed | 1 |
austineccles | 1 |
austinedw | 1 |
austineo | 1 |
austinesaynte | 1 |
austinesbellarm | 1 |
austinesnecaseneca | 1 |
austiness | 1 |
austinev | 1 |
austinevviked | 1 |
austinfingitis | 1 |
austing | 1 |
austingalfrid | 1 |
austini | 1 |
austinillic | 1 |
austininst | 1 |
austinjam | 1 |
austinjob | 1 |
austinof | 1 |
austinomnes | 1 |
austinqu | 1 |
austinquaecunque | 1 |
austinqui | 1 |
austinres | 1 |
austinreth | 1 |
austinretract | 1 |
austinromans | 1 |
austins- | 1 |
austins-bay | 1 |
austinsaith | 1 |
austinsaugust | 1 |
austinsaugustin | 1 |
austinserm | 1 |
austinsin | 1 |
austinsric | 1 |
austinst | 1 |
austinsthe | 1 |
austinswilliam | 1 |
austint | 1 |
austinthey | 1 |
austinto | 1 |
austinu | 1 |
austinverb | 1 |
austinvid | 1 |
austinvl | 1 |
austinwe | 1 |
austinwith | 1 |
austin§ | 1 |
austir | 1 |
austires | 1 |
austis | 1 |
austit | 1 |
austiu | 1 |
austive | 1 |
austm | 1 |
austme | 1 |
austna | 1 |
austo | 1 |
austomd | 1 |
austophanes | 1 |
austora | 1 |
austorians | 1 |
austorities | 1 |
austority | 1 |
austot | 1 |
austothunder | 1 |
austracians | 1 |
austrae | 1 |
austrains | 1 |
australem{que} | 1 |
australio | 1 |
australisand | 1 |
australissima | 1 |
australized | 1 |
australlthe | 1 |
austrapril | 1 |
austrasia578 | 1 |
austrasiens | 1 |
austrasins | 1 |
austre | 1 |
austreall | 1 |
austreans | 1 |
austreberta | 1 |
austreberte | 1 |
austreburt | 1 |
austregisilus | 1 |
austreker | 1 |
austremon | 1 |
austremonius | 1 |
austria1192 | 1 |
austria1479 | 1 |
austria1480 | 1 |
austria1578 | 1 |
austriaa | 1 |
austriaalaricus | 1 |
austriaalbertus | 1 |
austriaarch | 1 |
austriaarch-duke | 1 |
austriaarchdukes | 1 |
austriacaethe | 1 |
austriacal | 1 |
austriacardinall | 1 |
austriaccording | 1 |
austriaces | 1 |
austriachus | 1 |
austriacisque | 1 |
austriaco | 1 |
austriacos | 1 |
austriacà | 1 |
austriad | 1 |
austriadannow | 1 |
austriaecuius | 1 |
austriagrossius | 1 |
austriahieorchuntina | 1 |
austriaiohn | 1 |
austriaits | 1 |
austrian-shore | 1 |
austrianam | 1 |
austrianin | 1 |
austriant | 1 |
austriapaul | 1 |
austriaphilip | 1 |
austriaphillippe | 1 |
austriaprince | 1 |
austriari | 1 |
austriasigismond | 1 |
austriavida | 1 |
austriavlricus | 1 |
austriawhat | 1 |
austrice | 1 |
austriches | 1 |
austrichhe | 1 |
austriclinianus | 1 |
austriege | 1 |
austrige | 1 |
austrigilda | 1 |
austrike | 1 |
austrinam | 1 |
austrio-bavarian | 1 |
austrique | 1 |
austrisch | 1 |
austritas | 1 |
austrite | 1 |
austrities | 1 |
austriâ | 1 |
austrll | 1 |
austro-britannus | 1 |
austro-gothi | 1 |
austrogothi | 1 |
austrohomer | 1 |
austronix | 1 |
austruches | 1 |
austruhe | 1 |
austrusia | 1 |
austru¦cius | 1 |
austrwill | 1 |
austryge | 1 |
auststin | 1 |
austty | 1 |
austuce | 1 |
austume | 1 |
austunedyes | 1 |
austurgs | 1 |
austuria | 1 |
austuriani | 1 |
austurianorum | 1 |
austuricaastorga | 1 |
austust | 1 |
austusta | 1 |
austynnes | 1 |
ausuaga | 1 |
ausuagga | 1 |
ausucurro | 1 |
ausue | 1 |
ausuerit | 1 |
ausugite | 1 |
ausugrabene | 1 |
ausulta | 1 |
ausun | 1 |
ausunm | 1 |
ausura | 1 |
ausuram | 1 |
ausuram{que}ue | 1 |
ausuris | 1 |
ausurum | 1 |
aususjungere | 1 |
ausvvere | 1 |
ausweres | 1 |
auswergoldast | 1 |
auswering | 1 |
ausweringe | 1 |
auswre | 1 |
ausychodd | 1 |
ausz | 1 |
auszbaum | 1 |
auszug | 1 |
ausàuonsh | 1 |
ausâ | 1 |
ausítne | 1 |
ausítque | 1 |
ausúsque | 1 |
aut* | 1 |
aut-encomiast | 1 |
aut3 | 1 |
autadjectivum | 1 |
autae | 1 |
autaem | 1 |
autaequiuocatio | 1 |
autagonists | 1 |
autaigne | 1 |
autalia | 1 |
autaliquo | 1 |
autaltem | 1 |
autan | 1 |
autanes | 1 |
autante | 1 |
autaplùsbeo | 1 |
autapostolicus | 1 |
autarces | 1 |
autarchy | 1 |
autarctus | 1 |
autares | 1 |
autariatas | 1 |
autariās | 1 |
autaricās | 1 |
autas | 1 |
autashéhettit | 1 |
autasii | 1 |
autat | 1 |
autatem | 1 |
autation | 1 |
autbiberit | 1 |
autbis | 1 |
autbor | 1 |
autborising | 1 |
autboritat | 1 |
autboritatem | 1 |
autbority | 1 |
autbsalutabis | 1 |
autbus | 1 |
autcarolostadium | 1 |
autchristiana | 1 |
autcontinentia | 1 |
autcujus | 1 |
autdraco | 1 |
auteae | 1 |
autecclesiastici | 1 |
autecedent | 1 |
autecellerent | 1 |
auted | 1 |
auteguera | 1 |
autehntick | 1 |
autei | 1 |
auteit | 1 |
autelianus | 1 |
autelius | 1 |
autelscouronnes | 1 |
autem& | 1 |
autem-morts | 1 |
autem1 | 1 |
autemad | 1 |
autemadeo | 1 |
autemand | 1 |
autemarea | 1 |
autembalterum | 1 |
autembellarmine | 1 |
autemcan | 1 |
autemconversatio | 1 |
autemcorpore | 1 |
autemdare | 1 |
autemdeijciebatur | 1 |
autemdicit | 1 |
autemdiscesserit | 1 |
autemdixit | 1 |
autemest | 1 |
autemfilii | 1 |
autemin | 1 |
autemincorruptibile | 1 |
autemlaert | 1 |
autemlindwood | 1 |
autemnegaverit | 1 |
autemnolite | 1 |
autemnume | 1 |
autemonly | 1 |
autemoravi | 1 |
autempatientiae | 1 |
autemperditione | 1 |
autemperseveraverit | 1 |
autempropriè | 1 |
autemps | 1 |
autemputat | 1 |
autemrom | 1 |
autems | 1 |
autemsal | 1 |
autemscriptura | 1 |
autemsedeat | 1 |
autemsestertia | 1 |
autemsi | 1 |
autemsynt | 1 |
autemthat | 1 |
autemthe | 1 |
autemubi | 1 |
autemutique | 1 |
autemvexabitis | 1 |
autemvobis | 1 |
autemvos | 1 |
autemvt | 1 |
autemw | 1 |
autemwhether | 1 |
auten | 1 |
autenciall | 1 |
autendum | 1 |
autenick | 1 |
autenil | 1 |
autenment | 1 |
autennae | 1 |
autenpunctis | 1 |
autenreidt | 1 |
autenriedt | 1 |
autens | 1 |
autensils | 1 |
autentckes | 1 |
autentica | 1 |
autenticallie | 1 |
autenticarum | 1 |
autentice | 1 |
autenticklie | 1 |
autenticor | 1 |
autenticum | 1 |
autenticus | 1 |
autentiquely | 1 |
autentissimus | 1 |
autentm | 1 |
autentycke | 1 |
autentyk | 1 |
auteos | 1 |
auteponit | 1 |
auteqm | 1 |
auter-cloth | 1 |
auterdehors | 1 |
auterez | 1 |
auterfottz | 1 |
auteries | 1 |
auterior | 1 |
auteriour | 1 |
auterity | 1 |
autermen | 1 |
auterm• | 1 |
autern̄it | 1 |
auterotes | 1 |
autersque | 1 |
autersqueux | 1 |
autest | 1 |
autestabant | 1 |
autestetes | 1 |
autevenit | 1 |
autex | 1 |
autexousios | 1 |
auteà | 1 |
autētical | 1 |
autēticall | 1 |
autēticall14 | 1 |
autētick | 1 |
autētike | 1 |
autē¦tical | 1 |
autfabulam | 1 |
autfabulas | 1 |
autfluvii | 1 |
autfraudator | 1 |
autgemmis | 1 |
autgigantem | 1 |
autgitur | 1 |
autgnion | 1 |
authae | 1 |
authar | 1 |
autharcos | 1 |
autharidae | 1 |
authaur | 1 |
authe | 1 |
authedonia | 1 |
autheics | 1 |
authemica | 1 |
authencam | 1 |
authenck | 1 |
authenitative | 1 |
authenitck | 1 |
authenk | 1 |
authenlecke | 1 |
authenlecks | 1 |
authenor | 1 |
authenqe | 1 |
authentcall | 1 |
authenthenticknesse | 1 |
authentially | 1 |
authentiam | 1 |
authenticalenchirid | 1 |
authenticall1 | 1 |
authenticall2 | 1 |
authenticallaquin | 1 |
authenticaller | 1 |
authenticalles | 1 |
authenticallie | 1 |
authenticallmessiae | 1 |
authenticallneither | 1 |
authenticallness | 1 |
authenticallnu | 1 |
authenticallprofecto | 1 |
authenticalls | 1 |
authenticallthe | 1 |
authenticals | 1 |
authenticas | 1 |
authenticateness | 1 |
authentick-episcopal | 1 |
authentick6 | 1 |
authentickchapter | 1 |
authentickcopy | 1 |
authenticknum | 1 |
authenticksentence | 1 |
authenticstories | 1 |
authenticè | 1 |
authentiea | 1 |
authentikelegend | 1 |
authention | 1 |
authentiqueauthenticū | 1 |
authentiq̄ | 1 |
authentis | 1 |
authentitall | 1 |
authentitie | 1 |
authentity | 1 |
authenti{que} | 1 |
authen¦ticke | 1 |
autheons | 1 |
autherdaile | 1 |
autheritas | 1 |
autherum | 1 |
authēticalnes | 1 |
authētick | 1 |
authēticks | 1 |
authiatu | 1 |
authic | 1 |
authinleck | 1 |
authis | 1 |
authitie | 1 |
authiy | 1 |
authizing | 1 |
authn | 1 |
authntick | 1 |
authntike | 1 |
authoar | 1 |
authoauthoritie | 1 |
authodoxal | 1 |
authographon | 1 |
authography | 1 |
authoi | 1 |
authoies | 1 |
authoiries | 1 |
authois | 1 |
authoisr | 1 |
authoite | 1 |
authoities | 1 |