EEBO Word Frequency
Words and frequency counts culled from the EEBO TCP transcriptions (abridged to the first 2.3million).
word | frequency |
authoiy | 1 |
autholia | 1 |
autholing | 1 |
autholins | 1 |
authologie | 1 |
authone | 1 |
authonem | 1 |
authonew | 1 |
authonie | 1 |
authont | 1 |
authontik | 1 |
authoo | 1 |
authooity | 1 |
authoor | 1 |
author* | 1 |
author-- | 1 |
author-of | 1 |
author5 | 1 |
authorabbas | 1 |
authoradrianvs | 1 |
authoralibus | 1 |
authoraliter | 1 |
authoramento | 1 |
authoramentu | 1 |
authorantid | 1 |
authorantigones | 1 |
authorantiquitates | 1 |
authorantonia | 1 |
authoraopus | 1 |
authorapol | 1 |
authoraristarchus | 1 |
authoras | 1 |
authorata | 1 |
authoratem | 1 |
authoration | 1 |
authoraty | 1 |
authorat{que} | 1 |
authorbalzac | 1 |
authorbas | 1 |
authorbeginning | 1 |
authorbeneficioorum | 1 |
authorc | 1 |
authorcamden | 1 |
authorcan | 1 |
authorcap | 1 |
authorch | 1 |
authorchmin | 1 |
authorcod | 1 |
authorconc | 1 |
authorconject | 1 |
authorcribes | 1 |
authorde | 1 |
authordeame | 1 |
authorelib | 1 |
authoremve | 1 |
authorem{que} | 1 |
authorencount | 1 |
authorepist | 1 |
authores2 | 1 |
authoressthe | 1 |
authoreste | 1 |
authorethe | 1 |
authoretie | 1 |
authoretur | 1 |
authorety | 1 |
authoreuthy | 1 |
authorevangelium | 1 |
authorevitebergae | 1 |
authorfebruary | 1 |
authorfor | 1 |
authorfr | 1 |
authorglaber | 1 |
authorgretserus | 1 |
authorhb | 1 |
authorhis | 1 |
authoriames | 1 |
authoriati | 1 |
authoribusclamabat | 1 |
authoribusclambat | 1 |
authoribusquo | 1 |
authorice | 1 |
authoricie | 1 |
authoridating | 1 |
authorier | 1 |
authorietie | 1 |
authorii | 1 |
authoriieluc | 1 |
authoriis | 1 |
authoriity | 1 |
authorilute | 1 |
authoring | 1 |
authorinm | 1 |
authorinnocent | 1 |
authorinstrumental | 1 |
authoripse | 1 |
authoriritie | 1 |
authorirized | 1 |
authorisarg | 1 |
authorisedapolog | 1 |
authoriser | 1 |
authoriseroit | 1 |
authorisis | 1 |
authorislib | 1 |
authorisors | 1 |
authoristhomas | 1 |
authoris{que} | 1 |
authorisé | 1 |
authorisée | 1 |
authoritaate | 1 |
authoritabeing | 1 |
authoritaeti | 1 |
authoritaies | 1 |
authoritand | 1 |
authoritarem | 1 |
authoritasaugustine | 1 |
authoritasdriedo | 1 |
authoritaseis | 1 |
authoritasi | 1 |
authoritasit | 1 |
authoritate1592 | 1 |
authoritateconstituti | 1 |
authoritateest | 1 |
authoritatefull | 1 |
authoritatemioan | 1 |
authoritatemonuph | 1 |
authoritatempriuilegium | 1 |
authoritatemve | 1 |
authoritatepaeditus | 1 |
authoritatequòd | 1 |
authoritate{que} | 1 |
authoritatērectè | 1 |
authoritation | 1 |
authoritatique | 1 |
authoritatisneither | 1 |
authoritatiua | 1 |
authoritativa | 1 |
authoritativae | 1 |
authoritative-teaching | 1 |
authoritative3 | 1 |
authoritativelie | 1 |
authoritativelysee | 1 |
authoritativenesse | 1 |
authoritativepauls | 1 |
authoritativâ | 1 |
authoritatm | 1 |
authoritatve | 1 |
authoritatém{que} | 1 |
authoritave | 1 |
authoriteho | 1 |
authoriteiob | 1 |
authoriteis | 1 |
authoritey | 1 |
authorithy | 1 |
authoritie-bearers | 1 |
authoritie1462 | 1 |
authoritie3 | 1 |
authoritie86 | 1 |
authoritie9 | 1 |
authoritieacts | 1 |
authoritieaimoni | 1 |
authoritiealvar | 1 |
authoritieamos | 1 |
authoritieasteropus | 1 |
authoritieauserantur | 1 |
authoritieauthoritie | 1 |
authoritieauthority | 1 |
authoritiebad | 1 |
authoritiebell | 1 |
authoritiebulla | 1 |
authoritiecarew | 1 |
authoritieconc | 1 |
authoritiede | 1 |
authoritiediuers | 1 |
authoritiediuision | 1 |
authoritieeckius | 1 |
authoritiefarthing | 1 |
authoritiefasces | 1 |
authoritiefor | 1 |
authoritiefulke | 1 |
authoritiego | 1 |
authoritiegreg | 1 |
authoritiehac | 1 |
authoritiehe | 1 |
authoritieheb | 1 |
authoritieio | 1 |
authoritieissod | 1 |
authoritieit | 1 |
authoritieitem | 1 |
authoritielucullus | 1 |
authoritieluke | 1 |
authoritieluther | 1 |
authoritiemat | 1 |
authoritiematth | 1 |
authoritieneither | 1 |
authoritienotable | 1 |
authoritieobjections | 1 |
authoritieolympias | 1 |
authoritieordinary | 1 |
authoritiepartnership | 1 |
authoritiephilip | 1 |
authoritieplenariagenerall | 1 |
authoritiepossibile | 1 |
authoritieprayers | 1 |
authoritiepriuate | 1 |
authoritiepsal | 1 |
authorities10 | 1 |
authoritiesaug | 1 |
authoritiesauthoritie | 1 |
authoritiesecondly | 1 |
authoritiesee | 1 |
authoritiesflavius | 1 |
authoritieshe | 1 |
authoritiesignificasti | 1 |
authoritiesmutatio | 1 |
authoritiespag | 1 |
authoritiess | 1 |
authoritiesse | 1 |
authoritiessee | 1 |
authoritiestholoss | 1 |
authoritiesvice | 1 |
authoritietherefore | 1 |
authoritiethucydides | 1 |
authoritieto | 1 |
authoritietradition | 1 |
authoritieut | 1 |
authoritievergilcommunem | 1 |
authoritiewhat | 1 |
authoritiewhich | 1 |
authoritiewords | 1 |
authoritie☞ | 1 |
authorititie | 1 |
authoritivè | 1 |
authoritles | 1 |
authoritse | 1 |
authoritus | 1 |
authority" | 1 |
authority&c | 1 |
authority-domestick | 1 |
authority-royall | 1 |
authority-sake | 1 |
authority14 | 1 |
authority1415 | 1 |
authority170 | 1 |
authority236 | 1 |
authority3 | 1 |
authority36 | 1 |
authority41 | 1 |
authority5 | 1 |
authorityainsw | 1 |
authorityalleg | 1 |
authorityanno | 1 |
authorityansw | 1 |
authorityappeale | 1 |
authorityappointpreparea | 1 |
authorityare | 1 |
authorityart | 1 |
authoritybell | 1 |
authoritybin | 1 |
authoritybouhours | 1 |
authoritybucchan | 1 |
authoritybut | 1 |
authorityby | 1 |
authoritycaluinian | 1 |
authoritycantabrigiae | 1 |
authoritychap | 1 |
authoritycharles | 1 |
authoritychronicon | 1 |
authoritycoccius | 1 |
authoritycoke | 1 |
authoritycol | 1 |
authoritycolloss | 1 |
authoritycomparisonthe | 1 |
authorityconringius | 1 |
authorityd | 1 |
authoritydan | 1 |
authoritydandi | 1 |
authoritydat | 1 |
authoritydirection | 1 |
authoritydiuers | 1 |
authoritydivina | 1 |
authoritydoct | 1 |
authorityeadr | 1 |
authorityeccles | 1 |
authorityegefip | 1 |
authorityep | 1 |
authorityeph | 1 |
authorityepscopatus | 1 |
authorityeras | 1 |
authorityesknighton | 1 |
authorityespresence | 1 |
authorityet | 1 |
authorityeuagr | 1 |
authorityexceptis | 1 |
authorityfaith | 1 |
authorityflying | 1 |
authorityfrankl | 1 |
authoritygreg | 1 |
authorityhegesippus | 1 |
authorityhoc | 1 |
authorityhomines | 1 |
authorityhonor | 1 |
authorityhos | 1 |
authorityi | 1 |
authorityidē | 1 |
authorityimpudent | 1 |
authorityin | 1 |
authorityiohn | 1 |
authorityiosh | 1 |
authorityisa | 1 |
authorityiude | 1 |
authorityjam | 1 |
authorityjo | 1 |
authorityknow | 1 |
authorityl | 1 |
authoritylet | 1 |
authoritylewis | 1 |
authorityltt | 1 |
authorityluk | 1 |
authoritymago | 1 |
authoritymark | 1 |
authoritymath | 1 |
authoritymonkes | 1 |
authoritymotion | 1 |
authoritymy | 1 |
authoritynobis | 1 |
authorityobject | 1 |
authorityobserv | 1 |
authorityof | 1 |
authorityoleum | 1 |
authoritypeter | 1 |
authorityphilip | 1 |
authorityphilips | 1 |
authoritypoliticall | 1 |
authoritypope | 1 |
authoritypotho | 1 |
authoritypower | 1 |
authoritypoweroffice | 1 |
authoritypraise | 1 |
authorityproofs | 1 |
authoritypurveyancehorsescap | 1 |
authorityregist | 1 |
authorityrep | 1 |
authoritysarissa | 1 |
authoritysee | 1 |
authorityseld | 1 |
authorityseventhly | 1 |
authoritysi | 1 |
authoritysozom | 1 |
authorityspirituall | 1 |
authoritysubjection | 1 |
authoritysuperest | 1 |
authoritysynesius | 1 |
authoritythat | 1 |
authoritythough | 1 |
authoritytutela | 1 |
authoritytwo | 1 |
authorityvide | 1 |
authorityvigil | 1 |
authorityvnde | 1 |
authorityvvarnvvord | 1 |
authoritywe | 1 |
authoritywhatsoever | 1 |
authoritywhen | 1 |
authoritywhence | 1 |
authoritywhilst | 1 |
authorityye | 1 |
authorityyet | 1 |
authority☜ | 1 |
authoritz | 1 |
authoritàs | 1 |
authorités | 1 |
authoritìes | 1 |
authoriue | 1 |
authoriuy | 1 |
authorixed | 1 |
authorizando | 1 |
authorizat | 1 |
authorizate | 1 |
authorizationis | 1 |
authorizatomnimodam | 1 |
authorizavit | 1 |
authorizde | 1 |
authorizedbishop | 1 |
authorizedly | 1 |
authorizedmath | 1 |
authorizement | 1 |
authorizethus | 1 |
authorizice | 1 |
authorizingsanguis | 1 |
authorizit | 1 |
authori¦tative | 1 |
authori¦ty | 1 |
authorjam | 1 |
authorjoh | 1 |
authorjohn | 1 |
authorki | 1 |
authorleoleo | 1 |
authorlib | 1 |
authorlond | 1 |
authorluc | 1 |
authorluov | 1 |
authormartial | 1 |
authormaster | 1 |
authormatth | 1 |
authormercurio | 1 |
authornatureobjectmediumsend | 1 |
authornon | 1 |
authoro | 1 |
authorof | 1 |
authorom | 1 |
authorordine | 1 |
authorparliament | 1 |
authorparus | 1 |
authorperfide | 1 |
authorplut | 1 |
authorpoet | 1 |
authorprimus | 1 |
authorproprie | 1 |
authorque | 1 |
authorreas | 1 |
authorregeneration | 1 |
authorrevel | 1 |
authorrobert | 1 |
authorrog | 1 |
authors4 | 1 |
authorsa | 1 |
authorsadmon | 1 |
authorsaenead | 1 |
authorsan | 1 |
authorsand | 1 |
authorsau | 1 |
authorsauncient | 1 |
authorsbishop | 1 |
authorsbramenes | 1 |
authorsbud | 1 |
authorsc | 1 |
authorscael | 1 |
authorscap | 1 |
authorscardanus | 1 |
authorschap | 1 |
authorschrysost | 1 |
authorsclar | 1 |
authorscorah | 1 |
authorsdico | 1 |
authorsdolenter | 1 |
authorseuseb | 1 |
authorsfalse | 1 |
authorsgal | 1 |
authorshier | 1 |
authorship | 1 |
authorsibid | 1 |
authorsii | 1 |
authorsin | 1 |
authorsir | 1 |
authorsjob | 1 |
authorsmadonat | 1 |
authorsmald | 1 |
authorsmenander | 1 |
authorsmore | 1 |
authorsmultis | 1 |
authorsnames | 1 |
authorso | 1 |
authorsolinus | 1 |
authorspaean | 1 |
authorspag | 1 |
authorsperpetuò | 1 |
authorsperson | 1 |
authorsphilosophy | 1 |
authorsproperties | 1 |
authorspunishment | 1 |
authorsrer | 1 |
authorsribera | 1 |
authorsrich | 1 |
authorssaith | 1 |
authorsscipio | 1 |
authorssigoius | 1 |
authorssome | 1 |
authorstalmud | 1 |
authorsthis | 1 |
authorstho | 1 |
authorsubstancemannersubjectestatetimeorderend | 1 |
authorsum | 1 |
authorsuppose | 1 |
authorsv | 1 |
authorsvid | 1 |
authorsvide | 1 |
authorsvincent | 1 |
authorsvirgil | 1 |
authorswho | 1 |
authorsylla | 1 |
authors§ | 1 |
authorsʋther | 1 |
authortas | 1 |
authortatem | 1 |
authortertul | 1 |
authorthat | 1 |
authortheor | 1 |
authorthis | 1 |
authortiie | 1 |
authortom | 1 |