EEBO Word Frequency

Words and frequency counts culled from the EEBO TCP transcriptions (abridged to the first 2.3million).

word frequency
fifteen 3,665
strait 3,665
exeunt 3,665
iniquities 3,664
flore 3,661
oracles 3,658
streight 3,658
charter 3,658
abilities 3,658
liuely 3,657
troy 3,657
possibility 3,657
york 3,656
christo 3,655
settled 3,653
africa 3,652
refer 3,652
retreat 3,651
thrown 3,650
tread 3,649
meaneth 3,647
beyng 3,646
71 3,644
relieve 3,643
waiting 3,643
healing 3,643
middest 3,642
severity 3,641
weep 3,640
matthew 3,639
beams 3,639
diuerse 3,637
ambassadors 3,635
contemplation 3,634
deceased 3,634
sung 3,633
swallow 3,633
won 3,633
negligence 3,632
threw 3,631
mutuall 3,629
exhort 3,622
heires 3,621
lond 3,619
77 3,618
suspition 3,618
couenant 3,617
physitians 3,617
fide 3,616
schisme 3,616
sunday 3,615
89 3,615
candle 3,614
imputation 3,612
thair 3,612
drunke 3,612
nourish 3,611
conception 3,610
receives 3,610
promote 3,601
flowing 3,601
supream 3,600
prophecy 3,599
vnion 3,599
sale 3,599
purgatory 3,599
marble 3,598
struck 3,597
dede 3,597
undone 3,592
accursed 3,591
distressed 3,587
deposed 3,583
cried 3,583
ward 3,581
whyche 3,580
bands 3,578
seditious 3,576
spiritus 3,576
soo 3,575
wasted 3,574
belieue 3,573
crownes 3,573
livd 3,573
probability 3,571
bay 3,570
vseth 3,570
grete 3,569
homage 3,569
wrongs 3,568
convert 3,566
dont 3,565
arthur 3,563
tempt 3,563
trial 3,561
commerce 3,561
formal 3,561
predecessors 3,560
riseth 3,560
interpret 3,559
fundamentall 3,559
leisure 3,558
deeply 3,556
nd 3,555
doings 3,553
foretold 3,553
idolatrous 3,553
antichristian 3,552
apparell 3,551
satis 3,548
warme 3,547
flatter 3,547
advised 3,547
vanities 3,544
sting 3,543
scribes 3,543
gouerned 3,542
ait 3,536
doors 3,535
kindly 3,535
extreame 3,534
corporall 3,532
imprisoned 3,530
ale 3,529
repose 3,529
easy 3,528
street 3,527
worshipping 3,527
saie 3,526
battaile 3,526
almes 3,526
rewarded 3,525
adams 3,524
vinegar 3,524
foreign 3,523
wyse 3,521
resemblance 3,521
dares 3,521
unde 3,521
supremacy 3,520
defects 3,520
prooue 3,519
professing 3,518
hypocrite 3,516
impertinent 3,514
describe 3,513
athenians 3,513
serving 3,513
lande 3,513
shewn 3,512
drops 3,511
moisture 3,511
natura 3,510
village 3,508
keeper 3,508
parable 3,508
unwilling 3,508
pronounce 3,507
grieved 3,507
commaundement 3,506
copies 3,505
communication 3,505
delighted 3,504
provisions 3,503
smal 3,503
borrowed 3,501
belonged 3,500
fortified 3,500
heale 3,498
ordering 3,497
cleere 3,497
curiosity 3,495
privy 3,494
caesars 3,494
competent 3,494
duly 3,493
seate 3,493
driuen 3,492
conquer 3,491
caught 3,490
discouered 3,490
hierome 3,490
wisest 3,489
scene 3,488
amend 3,488
descent 3,486
dispatch 3,486
extream 3,485
incredible 3,483
constituted 3,482
sedition 3,480
poison 3,480
shewd 3,480
anon 3,480
immortality 3,479
fornication 3,479
regular 3,478
fitting 3,478
dreame 3,478
offenders 3,477
changing 3,476
band 3,474
admonition 3,472
cal 3,472
affirming 3,471
iiii 3,469
mightily 3,469
intimate 3,466
christum 3,464
stirring 3,463
nero 3,463
improve 3,462
awaye 3,462
prevailed 3,462
waye 3,459
dreadfull 3,459
july 3,458
ont 3,456
harmony 3,456
invented 3,455
yeelded 3,455
enjoyed 3,455
thrée 3,455
lin 3,454
kindnesse 3,453
subdue 3,453
soe 3,453
pagans 3,453
bath 3,452
74 3,452
onelie 3,450
snares 3,447
edict 3,447
mayst 3,446
deuotion 3,445
expound 3,444
reprobate 3,444
easter 3,443
pleaded 3,443
hunting 3,442
licence 3,441
ond 3,440
unbelief 3,440
hung 3,439
fundamental 3,439
motive 3,439
patiently 3,435
collection 3,433
pillars 3,432
school 3,432
syria 3,432
hierusalem 3,431
permission 3,431
asserted 3,431
forbeare 3,430
verò 3,429
doct 3,428
renew 3,427
grapes 3,427
judicious 3,425
flourish 3,424
mistakes 3,423
posse 3,422
edw 3,422
fulness 3,421
hony 3,419
quietly 3,418
adorned 3,418
markes 3,418
stephen 3,418
quarrell 3,417
holes 3,415
bastard 3,413
chr 3,412
bycause 3,412
vehement 3,412
fairest 3,411
generations 3,411
explication 3,410
patron 3,410
front 3,409
corinthians 3,408
castell 3,408
tolde 3,407
genius 3,407
socrates 3,407
dooth 3,407
proceedeth 3,405
lightning 3,404
hereunto 3,404
qualified 3,403
personall 3,400
genus 3,400
sits 3,400
stil 3,400
cleared 3,399
blush 3,397
retain 3,395
actuall 3,393
failed 3,393
employ 3,393
believer 3,391
flourishing 3,390
pictures 3,389
gardens 3,389
mrs 3,389
tasted 3,387
dish 3,386
adventure 3,386
fieri 3,385
christendome 3,383
complexion 3,383
policie 3,382
whereto 3,382
foregoing 3,381
returnd 3,381
swallowed 3,380
wombe 3,379
swine 3,378
restraint 3,378
perfections 3,377
perished 3,375
progress 3,374
thorough 3,373
pointed 3,372
marshall 3,371
ornament 3,370
apprehensions 3,370
complained 3,370
expence 3,367
teacher 3,366
impiety 3,366
lodged 3,366
whit 3,365
experiment 3,364
lions 3,364
aduantage 3,364
defiled 3,363
wing 3,363
consequent 3,363
coud 3,362
pillar 3,362
warlike 3,361
hom 3,361
shop 3,360
builded 3,358
cambridge 3,357
supposition 3,356
assuredly 3,356
valley 3,356
withstand 3,355
idolaters 3,355
excesse 3,354
amazed 3,352
temperate 3,352
guards 3,351
nulla 3,351
signifying 3,351
feeble 3,349
120 3,348
gouernour 3,346
braue 3,346
sway 3,346
languages 3,345
acceptance 3,345
fulfill 3,344
300 3,343
hunc 3,343
omni 3,341
decoction 3,339
discontent 3,339
ant 3,338
copper 3,336
bigger 3,334
vpright 3,333
reigned 3,331
illius 3,330
employment 3,330
sworne 3,330
beautiful 3,330
prouide 3,328
ascribe 3,328
sanctifie 3,327
hapned 3,327
manifestation 3,327
cape 3,326
pater 3,326
moche 3,325
bench 3,325
reconcile 3,324
destroying 3,323
oxen 3,323
88 3,323
orange 3,322
displeased 3,322
fleshe 3,321
tels 3,320
spaniard 3,319
knewe 3,318
helpeth 3,318
battle 3,318
commendable 3,317
steward 3,316
sint 3,316
dicitur 3,315
bride 3,315
dwelleth 3,314
carryed 3,314
arbitrary 3,313
angles 3,313
golde 3,313
putteth 3,311
revel 3,311
leade 3,309
prouinces 3,309
saxons 3,306
mistress 3,305
strain 3,305
fable 3,304
poynt 3,304
concernd 3,304
hem 3,301
inherent 3,301
112 3,300
drie 3,299
lyons 3,298
cannon 3,297
cent 3,297
beza 3,295
fraud 3,295
tokens 3,295
admired 3,294
ambassador 3,294
dreames 3,293
anye 3,290
deserued 3,289
thenne 3,288
deserves 3,288
methinks 3,288
sayings 3,286
inhabited 3,284
rhai 3,284
doubtless 3,284
vouchsafe 3,284
som 3,283
shold 3,282
stomack 3,282
beauties 3,282
intreat 3,282
prohibition 3,282
purging 3,281
suae 3,280
forgiue 3,280
conceiue 3,280
brasse 3,277
waves 3,277
hunt 3,274
lam 3,274
aliud 3,274
invited 3,273
june 3,272
buildings 3,272
bend 3,272
nobilitie 3,272
needful 3,271
dislike 3,270
witches 3,269
mankinde 3,268
edition 3,268
imply 3,267
sects 3,266
infirmity 3,266
shaken 3,266
ruin 3,265
asking 3,265
wonderfully 3,264
therby 3,262
designes 3,261
weaker 3,260
thre 3,259
alway 3,259
conviction 3,258
renders 3,258
regni 3,258
purposely 3,258
thynge 3,256
wert 3,255
magna 3,254
serves 3,254
presbyter 3,254
harm 3,254
messiah 3,253
herbe 3,252
sydd 3,251
myne 3,251
wilderness 3,250
gainst 3,250
storme 3,250
seneca 3,249
euil 3,249
