EEBO Word Frequency

Words and frequency counts culled from the EEBO TCP transcriptions (abridged to the first 2.3million).

word frequency
eternally 4,194
transported 4,193
hos 4,192
vniuersall 4,191
clergie 4,191
scruple 4,189
humor 4,185
fishes 4,185
fidelity 4,185
sanctuary 4,184
stayed 4,184
hujus 4,181
injustice 4,181
linnen 4,178
nid 4,178
setteth 4,178
fuisse 4,177
presse 4,173
hadst 4,173
coulde 4,171
orderly 4,170
telleth 4,168
78 4,167
suitable 4,166
abrahams 4,166
necessities 4,164
serued 4,164
supra 4,164
ordinarie 4,162
noe 4,162
bull 4,161
esset 4,156
stately 4,155
efficacy 4,152
create 4,152
swelling 4,151
trumpet 4,151
hi 4,150
event 4,148
wt 4,147
calvin 4,147
needed 4,147
dominus 4,144
sisters 4,142
coat 4,140
reckoning 4,139
captivity 4,138
regiment 4,138
glorifie 4,138
anointed 4,137
adversary 4,135
baptist 4,135
weighty 4,132
dinner 4,132
tertullian 4,130
accomplished 4,129
beleue 4,128
kindled 4,128
unlawfull 4,127
butter 4,127
consecration 4,126
intercession 4,121
pursued 4,117
physicians 4,116
modern 4,116
abominable 4,115
geuen 4,115
fellowes 4,115
injuries 4,114
constrained 4,113
ancestors 4,112
turkes 4,111
getting 4,108
deaths 4,108
noah 4,108
vitae 4,108
dom 4,108
publickly 4,106
confounded 4,106
ruler 4,106
chrysostome 4,104
herbs 4,104
shoud 4,104
purged 4,103
rank 4,102
meanest 4,102
joseph 4,099
hit 4,098
feares 4,093
seasons 4,092
strictly 4,090
customs 4,090
friendly 4,087
sui 4,087
sentences 4,087
jupiter 4,082
plus 4,082
communicated 4,081
catholicks 4,081
thinketh 4,080
mal 4,080
godhead 4,076
handle 4,075
meats 4,074
contracted 4,074
persians 4,067
conuenient 4,066
animals 4,065
citty 4,065
pretious 4,064
eucharist 4,063
flye 4,063
nerves 4,061
debts 4,059
destitute 4,057
feasts 4,056
lesson 4,055
mi 4,055
inde 4,055
contain 4,054
yearly 4,054
certayne 4,053
encourage 4,050
scattered 4,050
forgot 4,049
bears 4,049
xv 4,048
quarrel 4,048
illis 4,047
fare 4,047
victorious 4,046
remainder 4,046
moist 4,045
alexandria 4,041
ingenious 4,040
assisted 4,038
brief 4,037
hac 4,036
petitions 4,036
consequences 4,035
furthermore 4,034
causing 4,034
godlinesse 4,032
75 4,031
import 4,029
smith 4,026
doubtlesse 4,024
milke 4,023
annot 4,022
victuals 4,019
speedy 4,018
guided 4,017
fore 4,017
founde 4,016
converse 4,015
rid 4,015
circumstance 4,012
internal 4,011
rerum 4,010
grows 4,010
blasphemy 4,009
wildernesse 4,009
augustus 4,008
loues 4,006
jealous 4,006
tune 4,005
stalkes 4,005
despair 4,004
behaviour 4,004
mutual 4,002
persian 4,001
iam 4,001
67 3,999
towardes 3,998
studies 3,998
snow 3,997
ipso 3,997
hoping 3,996
disciple 3,994
heres 3,993
forasmuch 3,992
mā 3,991
limits 3,989
texts 3,989
misfortune 3,988
dispersed 3,987
blew 3,987
aged 3,986
strongest 3,985
recovery 3,985
collected 3,983
observd 3,981
cries 3,979
washing 3,978
fleshly 3,978
extremity 3,976
regenerate 3,976
monastery 3,975
hercules 3,975
sciences 3,973
terrour 3,973
edification 3,972
conformity 3,967
galen 3,967
tried 3,966
doubtfull 3,966
plate 3,965
threatning 3,961
reserved 3,959
clay 3,959
rocke 3,958
knowest 3,954
transgression 3,952
naples 3,952
pretences 3,952
es 3,951
termed 3,950
walked 3,949
ideas 3,948
innocence 3,948
effected 3,948
terror 3,945
unreasonable 3,944
controversies 3,944
fayre 3,943
ratione 3,942
floures 3,938
refusing 3,938
orthodox 3,938
unclean 3,937
feeding 3,935
rebuke 3,934
tail 3,934
captains 3,933
affirmeth 3,931
meddle 3,931
loco 3,927
aduersaries 3,927
bids 3,927
key 3,922
india 3,921
adoration 3,919
quench 3,917
twentieth 3,915
correction 3,914
resolvd 3,913
qualitie 3,910
howsoever 3,905
hathe 3,905
moving 3,904
prouided 3,903
comforted 3,903
couered 3,903
rotten 3,903
discerned 3,902
appointment 3,902
fits 3,899
eloquence 3,898
christus 3,897
weigh 3,896
200 3,895
relates 3,895
university 3,894
ipsa 3,892
clock 3,891
ensuing 3,890
flood 3,889
kepe 3,888
encounter 3,886
estimation 3,886
tyed 3,884
depends 3,883
iustified 3,882
numerous 3,881
nomen 3,881
expedition 3,880
simplicity 3,877
sow 3,876
deputies 3,876
youre 3,875
pernicious 3,874
judah 3,870
slave 3,869
caution 3,868
victories 3,867
wretch 3,866
songs 3,866
pretending 3,866
memorie 3,866
quoque 3,866
slow 3,865
mass 3,864
ornaments 3,864
recovered 3,863
allowance 3,861
del 3,860
cittie 3,859
muscles 3,854
duw 3,854
element 3,854
loath 3,853
eusebius 3,852
timothy 3,851
throat 3,851
raine 3,850
carthage 3,850
humiliation 3,847
gathering 3,847
yow 3,846
lament 3,845
asse 3,844
dearest 3,844
falsly 3,843
binde 3,843
thyng 3,842
gently 3,841
exprest 3,839
demonstrate 3,838
womans 3,837
ceased 3,836
xiii 3,836
quòd 3,833
islands 3,833
raisd 3,830
jo 3,830
lend 3,829
lifted 3,829
respective 3,827
rode 3,827
italie 3,827
april 3,827
illustrious 3,826
bernard 3,825
motives 3,823
psalmist 3,823
myght 3,821
leads 3,820
arke 3,820
loyalty 3,819
exclude 3,819
jure 3,818
hungry 3,818
tormented 3,817
remedie 3,816
restrained 3,815
efe 3,814
insist 3,814
justices 3,814
thinkes 3,814
ago 3,813
suum 3,813
spiritually 3,813
contradict 3,813
herod 3,812
expose 3,812
kindred 3,811
confound 3,811
acquaint 3,811
yw 3,806
ay 3,805
stories 3,805
houshold 3,803
deacons 3,802
nicholas 3,801
covetous 3,799
godliness 3,799
commander 3,798
lame 3,798
papers 3,797
fy 3,796
alreadie 3,795
hindred 3,794
nearest 3,793
impose 3,792
precedent 3,792
vos 3,785
date 3,779
fulnesse 3,779
erit 3,778
maior 3,776
foundations 3,776
violently 3,776
happens 3,775
inform 3,775
sorry 3,770
crooked 3,769
superfluous 3,768
nomine 3,764
mahomet 3,764
physitian 3,763
growne 3,763
fidei 3,762
monster 3,759
wiser 3,757
reflect 3,756
contents 3,754
monks 3,754
successor 3,753
storm 3,753
imaginations 3,752
heretikes 3,751
declares 3,751
flee 3,751
silly 3,750
antioch 3,749
lovely 3,748
shield 3,748
sauing 3,748
holdeth 3,747
lookes 3,747
military 3,746
deceiued 3,744
vpō 3,743
beautifull 3,741
administred 3,740
totally 3,740
distinctly 3,740
jealousie 3,739
superior 3,739
therin 3,739
lawyers 3,739
catholique 3,737
harme 3,737
yeres 3,737
accusation 3,734
game 3,733
vessell 3,732
harts 3,730
conjunction 3,728
ipsum 3,727
pestilence 3,725
renowned 3,724
thanke 3,722
promising 3,722
restitution 3,720
flies 3,719
distresse 3,719
immortall 3,718
togither 3,717
possess 3,717
beleeued 3,716
period 3,716
dame 3,716
fancies 3,712
accompt 3,711
globe 3,710
persecute 3,710
sincerely 3,708
historie 3,708
penitent 3,707
judging 3,707
bloudy 3,705
concord 3,704
score 3,704
tending 3,704
braine 3,702
grecians 3,702
important 3,701
instantly 3,701
repented 3,700
entered 3,697
venice 3,697
suam 3,694
arglwydd 3,691
essex 3,691
cùm 3,691
function 3,690
ioyne 3,690
virtues 3,690
sol 3,689
wheat 3,687
eos 3,687
particles 3,687
propose 3,686
turkish 3,686
formes 3,684
corinth 3,684
pace 3,683
snare 3,682
barons 3,681
elias 3,681
perceiving 3,681
oracle 3,680
breasts 3,678
carries 3,678
fraunce 3,677
prosperous 3,674
iudged 3,674
oth 3,674
humanity 3,674
pharaoh 3,674
attributes 3,672
protect 3,672
october 3,671
ascribed 3,671
endured 3,670
beget 3,670
inclined 3,669
messias 3,669
homo 3,669
