EEBO Word Frequency
Words and frequency counts culled from the EEBO TCP transcriptions (abridged to the first 2.3million).
word | frequency |
merry | 5,776 |
reall | 5,775 |
coll | 5,775 |
proceeds | 5,770 |
useful | 5,765 |
des | 5,763 |
generous | 5,762 |
esay | 5,761 |
musick | 5,760 |
related | 5,755 |
scope | 5,755 |
soldiers | 5,754 |
finished | 5,753 |
unknown | 5,753 |
ecclesia | 5,752 |
dealt | 5,750 |
bar | 5,750 |
relate | 5,748 |
carefully | 5,748 |
wills | 5,747 |
preacher | 5,743 |
effectually | 5,740 |
assertion | 5,738 |
newly | 5,732 |
00 | 5,730 |
westminster | 5,730 |
quasi | 5,729 |
boast | 5,729 |
advanced | 5,722 |
faile | 5,722 |
woods | 5,721 |
ed | 5,720 |
habet | 5,718 |
flying | 5,716 |
early | 5,707 |
wisely | 5,706 |
swearing | 5,706 |
nearer | 5,703 |
quakers | 5,701 |
manifested | 5,700 |
secrets | 5,700 |
secretly | 5,697 |
eu | 5,695 |
acquaintance | 5,687 |
burthen | 5,687 |
partakers | 5,684 |
suit | 5,683 |
supposing | 5,681 |
carrying | 5,679 |
recompence | 5,678 |
morrow | 5,677 |
greece | 5,676 |
bird | 5,674 |
whiles | 5,673 |
counsels | 5,671 |
submission | 5,667 |
sugar | 5,666 |
resistance | 5,665 |
dog | 5,665 |
kindes | 5,665 |
peters | 5,665 |
oxford | 5,663 |
recorded | 5,660 |
starres | 5,653 |
demonstration | 5,650 |
loued | 5,645 |
sée | 5,644 |
finger | 5,643 |
severe | 5,642 |
monarchy | 5,642 |
paule | 5,641 |
houres | 5,641 |
dishonour | 5,641 |
minded | 5,638 |
suffice | 5,638 |
carriage | 5,634 |
jacob | 5,633 |
feete | 5,625 |
eldest | 5,622 |
upright | 5,618 |
pull | 5,616 |
rendred | 5,615 |
weare | 5,615 |
re | 5,614 |
propositions | 5,612 |
complaint | 5,609 |
tempted | 5,608 |
admire | 5,607 |
seing | 5,604 |
bicause | 5,604 |
wide | 5,603 |
loud | 5,603 |
termes | 5,601 |
drive | 5,596 |
lyeth | 5,591 |
handled | 5,587 |
oppression | 5,585 |
bless | 5,584 |
bent | 5,581 |
emperors | 5,578 |
uses | 5,577 |
writeth | 5,575 |
domini | 5,573 |
pa | 5,569 |
cryed | 5,566 |
disobedience | 5,564 |
oblige | 5,563 |
irish | 5,562 |
vn | 5,559 |
gregory | 5,554 |
center | 5,553 |
similitude | 5,553 |
boldly | 5,552 |
119 | 5,552 |
dispensation | 5,550 |
vita | 5,550 |
prosper | 5,548 |
pour | 5,542 |
reconciled | 5,541 |
sa | 5,539 |
omit | 5,538 |
glorified | 5,536 |
immediatly | 5,534 |
utter | 5,533 |
rude | 5,527 |
knees | 5,524 |
sion | 5,523 |
proves | 5,521 |
commandment | 5,518 |
accustomed | 5,516 |
desert | 5,515 |
fool | 5,515 |
exchange | 5,514 |
diet | 5,511 |
salomon | 5,506 |
thunder | 5,505 |
notorious | 5,501 |
deum | 5,500 |
successors | 5,500 |
powerfull | 5,500 |
divide | 5,497 |
sex | 5,488 |
imitate | 5,486 |
presents | 5,485 |
strife | 5,484 |
70 | 5,482 |
driven | 5,481 |
invisible | 5,479 |
isaac | 5,477 |
rob | 5,474 |
increased | 5,472 |
wast | 5,471 |
mourning | 5,469 |
officer | 5,469 |
instructions | 5,467 |
fift | 5,466 |
inches | 5,465 |
twelue | 5,464 |
rejected | 5,462 |
crowned | 5,455 |
behalf | 5,453 |
shewes | 5,452 |
pastor | 5,448 |
thankes | 5,446 |
pence | 5,445 |
reigne | 5,444 |
è | 5,443 |
descend | 5,442 |
aid | 5,440 |
infinitely | 5,434 |
threatned | 5,423 |
mercury | 5,420 |
vvho | 5,416 |
infant | 5,415 |
sweare | 5,414 |
tedious | 5,411 |
happily | 5,405 |
armour | 5,404 |
hypocrisie | 5,402 |
charitie | 5,399 |
establish | 5,398 |
ciuill | 5,395 |
prevail | 5,395 |
morall | 5,395 |
mightie | 5,394 |
recover | 5,392 |
blinde | 5,388 |
hée | 5,388 |
inwardly | 5,386 |
foole | 5,382 |
bosome | 5,378 |
runs | 5,377 |
holden | 5,375 |
isle | 5,373 |
virgins | 5,373 |
lewis | 5,373 |
pharisees | 5,372 |
leo | 5,367 |
deuill | 5,364 |
authour | 5,364 |
forgotten | 5,363 |
helps | 5,362 |
indeede | 5,362 |
histories | 5,361 |
confirm | 5,358 |
adding | 5,356 |
exalted | 5,356 |
forbear | 5,355 |
hereupon | 5,354 |
exhortation | 5,353 |
lights | 5,351 |
super | 5,350 |
ioyned | 5,348 |
approach | 5,347 |
rough | 5,346 |
councils | 5,342 |
seemd | 5,342 |
slaves | 5,342 |
fighting | 5,339 |
bée | 5,338 |
felicity | 5,336 |
undertake | 5,335 |
pale | 5,332 |
cyprian | 5,332 |
plato | 5,328 |
passeth | 5,326 |
plainely | 5,325 |
beholding | 5,324 |
swords | 5,322 |
preferred | 5,318 |
imputed | 5,317 |
extended | 5,316 |
fiery | 5,314 |
faithfully | 5,311 |
proued | 5,311 |
reports | 5,310 |
barren | 5,308 |
exceedingly | 5,307 |
num | 5,307 |
nourishment | 5,305 |
illud | 5,304 |
prudent | 5,303 |
flanders | 5,303 |
vvill | 5,298 |
relief | 5,297 |
laugh | 5,297 |
fearefull | 5,296 |
bore | 5,294 |
readily | 5,288 |
discern | 5,283 |
imperfect | 5,282 |
whosoeuer | 5,278 |
ring | 5,278 |
distinguished | 5,274 |
using | 5,273 |
dum | 5,272 |
sith | 5,271 |
extent | 5,270 |
propounded | 5,269 |
sheepe | 5,268 |
exercises | 5,264 |
plea | 5,264 |
gan | 5,264 |
slight | 5,263 |
divisions | 5,261 |
killing | 5,257 |
equity | 5,256 |
fox | 5,254 |
native | 5,251 |
whore | 5,250 |
meditation | 5,250 |
pleasd | 5,244 |
stile | 5,242 |
expedient | 5,239 |
yere | 5,239 |
succeed | 5,239 |
fond | 5,238 |
throughly | 5,236 |
scandalous | 5,236 |
effectual | 5,236 |
streets | 5,232 |
ambitious | 5,231 |
strive | 5,225 |
adore | 5,220 |
tend | 5,220 |
despised | 5,219 |
drop | 5,218 |
secular | 5,218 |
consisteth | 5,217 |
ioseph | 5,217 |
accord | 5,216 |
foresaid | 5,213 |
imposed | 5,209 |
entire | 5,206 |
indignation | 5,205 |
partie | 5,202 |
slaughter | 5,199 |
consolation | 5,198 |
washed | 5,196 |
imployed | 5,193 |
haire | 5,188 |
host | 5,187 |
companie | 5,185 |
fro | 5,185 |
speedily | 5,184 |
burn | 5,182 |
mars | 5,181 |
doubted | 5,176 |
moued | 5,175 |
italian | 5,174 |
appeares | 5,169 |
operations | 5,169 |
suis | 5,168 |
referred | 5,168 |
excommunication | 5,167 |
growth | 5,166 |
perpetual | 5,165 |
renewed | 5,163 |
superstitious | 5,161 |
longe | 5,160 |
practises | 5,151 |
giues | 5,150 |
firm | 5,149 |
behalfe | 5,147 |
ambrose | 5,142 |
reuenge | 5,140 |
davids | 5,140 |
persecuted | 5,138 |
wolde | 5,138 |
mixt | 5,133 |
soueraigne | 5,132 |
step | 5,131 |
ô | 5,130 |
altered | 5,130 |
engaged | 5,129 |
omnium | 5,127 |
banished | 5,127 |
ocean | 5,126 |
ps | 5,124 |
discharged | 5,120 |
marks | 5,120 |
hypocrites | 5,119 |
marched | 5,119 |
freedome | 5,114 |
fee | 5,113 |
larger | 5,112 |
eum | 5,111 |
message | 5,111 |
faint | 5,110 |
thée | 5,108 |
roses | 5,107 |
wold | 5,106 |
services | 5,105 |
appoint | 5,105 |
graunt | 5,100 |
spouse | 5,099 |
latitude | 5,098 |
modesty | 5,096 |
discerne | 5,096 |
answerable | 5,095 |
doore | 5,095 |
consult | 5,092 |
extend | 5,091 |
blest | 5,090 |
holde | 5,089 |
peaceable | 5,087 |
peeces | 5,083 |
twentie | 5,083 |
intelligence | 5,081 |
mixed | 5,075 |
sixt | 5,073 |
customes | 5,071 |
shoulders | 5,070 |
pot | 5,070 |
auncient | 5,068 |
approve | 5,066 |
xi | 5,066 |
procured | 5,066 |
payment | 5,065 |
66 | 5,063 |
63 | 5,062 |
purple | 5,060 |
decay | 5,058 |
os | 5,058 |
retire | 5,055 |
prophesie | 5,051 |
sickness | 5,051 |
abound | 5,051 |
judg | 5,049 |
vvere | 5,049 |
breed | 5,048 |
voluntary | 5,046 |
tribute | 5,045 |
mariage | 5,044 |
newe | 5,043 |
angle | 5,041 |
honesty | 5,039 |
heartily | 5,038 |
receivd | 5,035 |
overthrow | 5,034 |
darke | 5,030 |
besieged | 5,029 |
louing | 5,029 |
reioyce | 5,025 |
wages | 5,022 |
confirme | 5,022 |
tale | 5,022 |
lent | 5,021 |
humbled | 5,020 |
doubts | 5,020 |
exceed | 5,020 |
hoped | 5,018 |
alledged | 5,016 |
obtaine | 5,016 |
govern | 5,015 |
tenant | 5,014 |
redeemed | 5,013 |
externall | 5,012 |
forthwith | 5,012 |
education | 5,010 |
tract | 5,009 |
framed | 5,009 |
eorum | 5,007 |
composition | 5,003 |
cutting | 5,000 |
trembling | 4,998 |
commandments | 4,991 |
xii | 4,988 |
wanton | 4,988 |
jewish | 4,988 |
approbation | 4,987 |
regis | 4,984 |
defect | 4,982 |
impression | 4,982 |
complain | 4,980 |
poverty | 4,979 |
seldom | 4,978 |
bod | 4,977 |
addition | 4,971 |
prerogative | 4,969 |
settle | 4,965 |
tryal | 4,962 |
singing | 4,961 |
traditions | 4,960 |
outwardly | 4,960 |
dragon | 4,959 |
companies | 4,956 |
lake | 4,951 |
science | 4,949 |
apart | 4,946 |
titus | 4,942 |
readie | 4,941 |
ancients | 4,939 |
fools | 4,938 |
terme | 4,935 |
abundantly | 4,932 |
goodnes | 4,930 |
firme | 4,930 |
injury | 4,930 |
62 | 4,927 |
depth | 4,927 |
contract | 4,925 |
ninth | 4,924 |
di | 4,923 |
personal | 4,923 |
wherby | 4,923 |
malicious | 4,920 |
lordes | 4,919 |
whereon | 4,916 |
eighth | 4,912 |
creed | 4,912 |
stage | 4,908 |
altars | 4,908 |
commaunded | 4,906 |
ai | 4,905 |
measures | 4,903 |
hanged | 4,902 |
publish | 4,899 |
interests | 4,897 |
practices | 4,891 |
messenger | 4,889 |
whē | 4,888 |
conquered | 4,887 |
possesse | 4,887 |
raising | 4,885 |
aegypt | 4,882 |
reduce | 4,881 |
marg | 4,881 |
fo | 4,880 |
captaines | 4,879 |
win | 4,878 |
adultery | 4,877 |
mae | 4,876 |
warm | 4,875 |
positive | 4,875 |
ruled | 4,867 |
serpents | 4,866 |
clause | 4,865 |
triall | 4,864 |
inferior | 4,864 |