EEBO Word Frequency
Words and frequency counts culled from the EEBO TCP transcriptions (abridged to the first 2.3million).
word | frequency |
calls | 15,274 |
calld | 15,267 |
sayth | 15,267 |
sufficiently | 15,236 |
victory | 15,226 |
saved | 15,217 |
repent | 15,199 |
gentiles | 15,188 |
fruits | 15,162 |
gentlemen | 15,158 |
hardly | 15,148 |
diseases | 15,145 |
memory | 15,136 |
36 | 15,133 |
dry | 15,132 |
speaketh | 15,065 |
toward | 15,040 |
speciall | 15,034 |
ruine | 15,033 |
confidence | 14,983 |
maner | 14,977 |
lived | 14,973 |
offence | 14,973 |
led | 14,968 |
corrupt | 14,966 |
extraordinary | 14,930 |
youth | 14,917 |
estates | 14,895 |
play | 14,891 |
issue | 14,881 |
supper | 14,875 |
severall | 14,861 |
dei | 14,858 |
walk | 14,851 |
gathered | 14,840 |
placed | 14,824 |
dauid | 14,799 |
election | 14,798 |
equal | 14,780 |
goes | 14,771 |
capable | 14,760 |
anger | 14,746 |
march | 14,742 |
vvhich | 14,736 |
dwell | 14,701 |
considering | 14,699 |
37 | 14,695 |
continually | 14,695 |
goodnesse | 14,693 |
finding | 14,681 |
aforesaid | 14,671 |
prison | 14,643 |
wel | 14,637 |
ei | 14,628 |
majesties | 14,619 |
evidence | 14,619 |
affairs | 14,618 |
earle | 14,612 |
dost | 14,611 |
value | 14,589 |
future | 14,586 |
wood | 14,585 |
reformation | 14,581 |
perswaded | 14,558 |
yt | 14,543 |
season | 14,512 |
castle | 14,504 |
eate | 14,487 |
arise | 14,486 |
occasions | 14,466 |
middle | 14,457 |
whatsoeuer | 14,452 |
scarce | 14,434 |
magistrate | 14,433 |
answere | 14,432 |
dear | 14,424 |
misery | 14,422 |
ways | 14,416 |
fame | 14,411 |
38 | 14,397 |
vvith | 14,396 |
entred | 14,374 |
sensible | 14,336 |
baptisme | 14,334 |
signe | 14,332 |
afterward | 14,315 |
emperor | 14,315 |
direct | 14,310 |
powers | 14,306 |
divided | 14,298 |
grounds | 14,273 |
forward | 14,262 |
however | 14,252 |
em | 14,234 |
commission | 14,223 |
along | 14,185 |
saluation | 14,173 |
principle | 14,171 |
wind | 14,166 |
supposed | 14,164 |
inhabitants | 14,113 |
earthly | 14,106 |
error | 14,097 |
count | 14,090 |
satisfied | 14,076 |
conclusion | 14,064 |
losse | 14,062 |
royal | 14,060 |
wont | 14,050 |
faithful | 14,046 |
west | 14,046 |
sauiour | 14,039 |
beeing | 14,018 |
k | 14,013 |
sonnes | 14,007 |
infants | 13,996 |
curse | 13,985 |
drinke | 13,969 |
magistrates | 13,926 |
consequence | 13,921 |
ceremonies | 13,909 |
assurance | 13,906 |
commands | 13,902 |
everlasting | 13,900 |
goodness | 13,895 |
miracles | 13,888 |
vntill | 13,868 |
consciences | 13,850 |
ireland | 13,843 |
quo | 13,836 |
caesar | 13,827 |
ordinances | 13,824 |
admitted | 13,816 |
greatly | 13,808 |
bin | 13,806 |
enjoy | 13,790 |
thats | 13,783 |
glad | 13,782 |
id | 13,779 |
wisedome | 13,777 |
mary | 13,763 |
shut | 13,748 |
depart | 13,744 |
spent | 13,741 |
sence | 13,725 |
honor | 13,688 |
deliver | 13,674 |
pound | 13,666 |
crowne | 13,638 |
pain | 13,636 |
y• | 13,631 |
ioy | 13,617 |
decree | 13,616 |
north | 13,598 |
learne | 13,590 |
treason | 13,582 |
safety | 13,579 |
hys | 13,559 |
altar | 13,537 |
50 | 13,530 |
grave | 13,513 |
sing | 13,513 |
popish | 13,509 |
trees | 13,505 |
keeping | 13,503 |
view | 13,502 |
reading | 13,484 |
distance | 13,473 |
justly | 13,459 |
price | 13,446 |
witnesses | 13,438 |
endure | 13,425 |
confess | 13,423 |
ordained | 13,409 |
pretend | 13,408 |
secure | 13,406 |
assistance | 13,386 |
assured | 13,373 |
expresse | 13,371 |
touch | 13,338 |
sundry | 13,333 |
departed | 13,320 |
exceeding | 13,314 |
report | 13,306 |
single | 13,297 |
opened | 13,285 |
alexander | 13,281 |
confirmed | 13,275 |
troubles | 13,268 |
articles | 13,246 |
behind | 13,242 |
remedy | 13,237 |
preserve | 13,181 |
39 | 13,152 |
flowers | 13,111 |
beleeve | 13,105 |
heathen | 13,086 |
perish | 13,086 |
seemed | 13,073 |
falling | 13,072 |
amen | 13,071 |
realme | 13,063 |
expressed | 13,038 |
elect | 13,026 |
sacraments | 13,021 |
sermon | 13,020 |
accordingly | 13,017 |
que | 13,012 |
proportion | 13,009 |
hereby | 13,007 |
knows | 13,006 |
feast | 12,998 |
creation | 12,998 |
pains | 12,990 |
willingly | 12,966 |
commons | 12,964 |
reign | 12,948 |
appeared | 12,931 |
excuse | 12,919 |
lawful | 12,916 |
nowe | 12,910 |
chiefly | 12,856 |
diuine | 12,843 |
brings | 12,814 |
wrote | 12,809 |
lawe | 12,804 |
joh | 12,800 |
neglect | 12,796 |
choice | 12,791 |
theirs | 12,784 |
thereunto | 12,782 |
fellow | 12,781 |
j | 12,761 |
instance | 12,757 |
bold | 12,757 |
protestant | 12,756 |
stands | 12,742 |
ordinance | 12,734 |
silver | 12,722 |
generation | 12,720 |
discipline | 12,718 |
followeth | 12,714 |
wound | 12,698 |
render | 12,697 |
states | 12,696 |
autem | 12,669 |
disposition | 12,668 |
add | 12,661 |
thinking | 12,646 |
obliged | 12,634 |
prevent | 12,633 |
whatever | 12,620 |
endeavour | 12,602 |
sick | 12,586 |
horses | 12,579 |
profitable | 12,572 |
considerable | 12,559 |
commeth | 12,540 |
midst | 12,520 |
apt | 12,518 |
golden | 12,509 |
sinner | 12,497 |
howe | 12,495 |
affliction | 12,480 |
parte | 12,465 |
maiestie | 12,464 |
glorie | 12,456 |
peculiar | 12,454 |
countenance | 12,454 |
published | 12,450 |
dying | 12,439 |
principall | 12,417 |
search | 12,408 |
reasonable | 12,396 |
knowe | 12,383 |
assembly | 12,371 |
writings | 12,367 |
ioh | 12,359 |
particulars | 12,341 |
store | 12,332 |
don | 12,324 |
vnderstand | 12,310 |
move | 12,304 |
judges | 12,291 |
paris | 12,290 |
frame | 12,279 |
sheweth | 12,279 |
story | 12,277 |
heed | 12,271 |
afflictions | 12,269 |
chamber | 12,265 |
terms | 12,263 |
offices | 12,260 |
slaine | 12,253 |
allow | 12,241 |
signifie | 12,229 |
aside | 12,228 |
fiue | 12,222 |
treasure | 12,221 |
belong | 12,220 |
vt | 12,212 |
folly | 12,212 |
deep | 12,203 |
iames | 12,195 |
distinct | 12,184 |
proue | 12,176 |
putting | 12,172 |
confusion | 12,169 |
miles | 12,169 |
fresh | 12,167 |
calleth | 12,165 |
queene | 12,162 |
foolish | 12,156 |
twas | 12,155 |
asked | 12,151 |
absolutely | 12,146 |
forsake | 12,146 |
gather | 12,142 |
mercie | 12,142 |
height | 12,104 |
mankind | 12,104 |
really | 12,099 |
witnesse | 12,098 |
violent | 12,094 |
lately | 12,083 |
sore | 12,075 |
quia | 12,072 |
hart | 12,068 |
vi | 12,067 |
te | 12,060 |
publike | 12,054 |
bones | 12,052 |
errour | 12,048 |
ask | 12,045 |
hereof | 12,030 |
contained | 12,030 |
post | 12,025 |
sleep | 12,021 |
pieces | 12,020 |
naturally | 12,012 |
instruments | 12,008 |
motions | 11,999 |
bitter | 11,995 |
royall | 11,995 |
sum | 11,991 |
antichrist | 11,988 |
pretence | 11,975 |
worst | 11,974 |
madam | 11,960 |
merit | 11,960 |
iob | 11,959 |
augustine | 11,954 |
sic | 11,938 |
shalbe | 11,933 |
ierusalem | 11,916 |
conditions | 11,914 |
worlde | 11,908 |
therof | 11,904 |
singular | 11,901 |
images | 11,898 |
en | 11,896 |
original | 11,887 |
satisfie | 11,887 |
dyed | 11,874 |
adde | 11,874 |
lusts | 11,868 |
escape | 11,866 |
abuse | 11,861 |
42 | 11,856 |
earnest | 11,848 |
captaine | 11,841 |
w | 11,834 |
fauour | 11,834 |
commit | 11,822 |
accounted | 11,820 |
sayde | 11,818 |
branches | 11,817 |
quantity | 11,815 |
thereupon | 11,811 |
deut | 11,809 |
yf | 11,805 |
sold | 11,805 |
mercies | 11,803 |
philip | 11,772 |
working | 11,767 |
italy | 11,760 |
circumstances | 11,757 |
sayes | 11,753 |
yes | 11,747 |
virgin | 11,745 |
spaniards | 11,733 |
almighty | 11,724 |
hatred | 11,718 |
writers | 11,717 |
answ | 11,710 |
statute | 11,710 |
suffering | 11,709 |
attend | 11,706 |
dominion | 11,705 |
vnderstanding | 11,705 |
apply | 11,704 |
earl | 11,692 |
study | 11,689 |
buried | 11,685 |
admit | 11,682 |
ende | 11,674 |
col | 11,669 |
possibly | 11,663 |
instead | 11,658 |
truely | 11,657 |
lower | 11,652 |
hir | 11,649 |
intent | 11,649 |
richard | 11,648 |
forget | 11,644 |
hour | 11,638 |
piety | 11,638 |
happiness | 11,625 |
virtue | 11,623 |
believed | 11,608 |
heavens | 11,604 |
catholick | 11,604 |
belonging | 11,594 |
knoweth | 11,579 |
quickly | 11,579 |
eminent | 11,574 |
congregation | 11,572 |
spain | 11,571 |
allowed | 11,568 |
meer | 11,561 |
learn | 11,560 |
naked | 11,552 |
taste | 11,552 |
expected | 11,551 |
haec | 11,550 |
warrant | 11,541 |
top | 11,533 |
burnt | 11,531 |
holiness | 11,526 |
passions | 11,526 |
quid | 11,519 |
offended | 11,500 |
principal | 11,487 |
express | 11,441 |
sister | 11,440 |
meeting | 11,431 |
member | 11,422 |
changed | 11,421 |
angel | 11,414 |
wanting | 11,410 |
contempt | 11,390 |
twelve | 11,380 |
noted | 11,370 |
burning | 11,367 |
albeit | 11,363 |
rage | 11,356 |
agreed | 11,354 |
45 | 11,352 |
real | 11,349 |
affected | 11,344 |
fifth | 11,321 |
directly | 11,318 |
established | 11,307 |
reputation | 11,284 |
counsel | 11,280 |
loss | 11,273 |
food | 11,272 |
reach | 11,254 |
mount | 11,233 |
rev | 11,232 |
discover | 11,229 |
jerusalem | 11,207 |
imagine | 11,188 |
iron | 11,184 |
description | 11,173 |
opposition | 11,170 |
yours | 11,170 |
usually | 11,168 |
destroyed | 11,162 |
fallen | 11,160 |
cross | 11,159 |
abide | 11,148 |
cease | 11,146 |
married | 11,135 |
44 | 11,134 |
sacrifices | 11,127 |
yeeres | 11,109 |
blessings | 11,109 |
nobis | 11,108 |
justification | 11,102 |
gal | 11,099 |
41 | 11,095 |
canst | 11,088 |
feed | 11,087 |
teares | 11,078 |
natures | 11,049 |
institution | 11,047 |
gotten | 11,038 |
verie | 11,038 |
advice | 11,035 |