EEBO Word Frequency

Words and frequency counts culled from the EEBO TCP transcriptions (abridged to the first 2.3million).

word frequency
originall 8,492
priuate 8,491
tradition 8,486
poet 8,484
scots 8,479
sitting 8,478
testimonies 8,477
overcome 8,471
requires 8,461
ni 8,459
beaten 8,458
necessitie 8,444
nihil 8,441
moral 8,440
proofe 8,437
conquest 8,429
restore 8,427
liberties 8,424
daughters 8,421
felt 8,416
reply 8,415
circumcision 8,411
meate 8,409
consist 8,408
buy 8,396
faults 8,387
mystery 8,385
thys 8,376
maye 8,375
believing 8,369
curious 8,361
various 8,359
armed 8,357
expression 8,351
discharge 8,348
frequently 8,345
eyther 8,336
whosoever 8,332
void 8,330
alive 8,330
bearing 8,327
flame 8,323
walls 8,319
divinity 8,319
translated 8,316
forbid 8,310
determine 8,296
sabbath 8,287
vvas 8,283
sole 8,280
bounds 8,278
omnia 8,270
rejoyce 8,267
archbishop 8,264
forty 8,259
primitive 8,257
bow 8,253
deo 8,244
remove 8,242
foorth 8,241
bestowed 8,238
beat 8,236
race 8,229
solomon 8,228
saye 8,227
chron 8,220
cruel 8,219
loved 8,217
zeale 8,216
door 8,211
prayed 8,203
influence 8,198
dutch 8,197
answers 8,194
contrarie 8,193
carnal 8,182
teachers 8,181
sive 8,180
objects 8,178
performe 8,177
ore 8,176
mortall 8,173
quarter 8,170
pauls 8,169
alter 8,169
chiefest 8,162
skin 8,162
eaten 8,159
assent 8,158
bred 8,158
partes 8,157
commended 8,152
husbands 8,151
sharp 8,145
pastors 8,144
separation 8,137
lyes 8,133
heavy 8,132
oyl 8,128
support 8,125
cursed 8,119
habit 8,119
affirm 8,118
sets 8,116
aire 8,113
perceive 8,110
babylon 8,109
sub 8,106
acknowledged 8,102
hebrew 8,101
philosophy 8,100
giveth 8,100
possessed 8,097
certainty 8,097
pen 8,097
external 8,095
gaine 8,092
vnlesse 8,092
benefits 8,090
precepts 8,090
honours 8,087
qu 8,087
neer 8,085
darknesse 8,084
eo 8,083
common-wealth 8,082
separated 8,081
sixth 8,074
successe 8,067
agreeable 8,064
swear 8,061
vengeance 8,061
performance 8,044
fought 8,041
holding 8,032
alike 8,032
cant 8,031
vertuous 8,028
provinces 8,020
opposite 8,020
concerned 8,013
happened 8,013
compassion 8,013
debt 8,008
adversaries 8,003
agreement 8,002
hazard 8,001
merits 7,998
knowes 7,997
choose 7,990
ther 7,989
expressions 7,986
loving 7,986
53 7,984
fancy 7,983
tit 7,980
doeth 7,977
il 7,976
offering 7,968
fat 7,964
grounded 7,964
seventh 7,964
remission 7,956
haste 7,951
hither 7,948
presume 7,948
humility 7,944
practised 7,939
mysteries 7,939
drawne 7,937
cleane 7,932
admirable 7,924
operation 7,920
broad 7,918
instruction 7,916
poyson 7,907
produced 7,906
grosse 7,903
bill 7,901
lips 7,900
affirme 7,900
marry 7,900
heretofore 7,898
didst 7,898
seal 7,895
hang 7,893
confessed 7,892
shed 7,887
publique 7,876
phrase 7,876
reported 7,850
confirmation 7,845
revelation 7,844
figures 7,837
later 7,837
merchants 7,836
thick 7,836
necessarie 7,825
acceptable 7,825
saued 7,823
asia 7,820
israelites 7,814
52 7,813
falls 7,811
manie 7,809
fort 7,804
eph 7,800
accepted 7,798
heir 7,797
carefull 7,796
desperate 7,788
damnation 7,787
councel 7,785
battell 7,784
holds 7,783
humours 7,778
belief 7,777
weary 7,771
mothers 7,770
professe 7,763
sicke 7,763
flight 7,759
leagues 7,753
yellow 7,749
commend 7,745
separate 7,741
absence 7,729
wash 7,721
liued 7,720
seuerall 7,718
prosperity 7,717
titles 7,716
application 7,709
purchase 7,708
remained 7,706
reduced 7,693
species 7,689
divines 7,684
bringeth 7,681
lets 7,679
townes 7,679
elizabeth 7,676
yield 7,674
psalme 7,671
objection 7,671
bodily 7,659
stronger 7,655
expectation 7,653
canons 7,653
syr 7,652
fixed 7,649
wives 7,646
ou 7,646
majestie 7,643
drawing 7,630
plot 7,626
decrees 7,624
strike 7,624
x 7,617
devotion 7,616
lift 7,614
represented 7,613
bought 7,613
differences 7,610
conceived 7,609
enemie 7,607
charges 7,603
bondage 7,601
popery 7,599
prudence 7,596
jewes 7,593
flower 7,593
ashes 7,590
roots 7,584
ha 7,581
monsieur 7,580
maintaine 7,573
europe 7,573
sixe 7,566
share 7,561
disposed 7,559
show 7,559
discretion 7,558
siege 7,555
raigne 7,553
depend 7,551
embrace 7,551
triumph 7,547
math 7,547
judgements 7,547
assist 7,544
moneth 7,541
55 7,540
hes 7,538
ephes 7,538
neck 7,534
entrance 7,533
ordinarily 7,532
statutes 7,525
presbyters 7,524
hidden 7,519
executed 7,514
greatnesse 7,509
president 7,507
proceeded 7,503
potest 7,499
shortly 7,496
oyle 7,493
elsewhere 7,491
looks 7,491
giuing 7,487
roote 7,484
sermons 7,483
distinguish 7,482
precept 7,478
instances 7,474
cardinall 7,472
advance 7,465
whilest 7,464
paradise 7,457
vvhat 7,454
planted 7,453
priviledges 7,451
vices 7,449
wickednesse 7,447
consists 7,445
countrie 7,440
comforts 7,439
continuall 7,436
romish 7,435
cured 7,435
crucified 7,431
exercised 7,425
ans 7,422
ah 7,420
represent 7,416
brave 7,415
wonderfull 7,414
diuell 7,413
instant 7,409
corne 7,408
agayne 7,407
greene 7,404
wyth 7,403
temporal 7,398
carnall 7,393
narrow 7,389
freed 7,384
utmost 7,382
quidem 7,379
standeth 7,374
neede 7,374
winde 7,371
conceit 7,364
endeavours 7,364
reference 7,362
drinking 7,351
summe 7,349
obserue 7,346
causeth 7,344
seruant 7,342
spoke 7,334
afford 7,332
professed 7,330
green 7,329
flie 7,327
months 7,324
spirite 7,321
ef 7,320
sober 7,319
faces 7,317
nere 7,301
sweete 7,299
sleepe 7,295
interpretation 7,294
fears 7,287
medicine 7,286
aristotle 7,285
iudges 7,283
demand 7,279
brothers 7,277
blesse 7,277
sanctification 7,277
abused 7,276
feele 7,270
rock 7,268
cunning 7,266
requisite 7,260
delights 7,259
solid 7,255
mar 7,253
belongs 7,253
disgrace 7,252
saide 7,249
fasting 7,249
handes 7,244
courses 7,244
vii 7,243
feel 7,243
wherof 7,240
sibi 7,239
jurisdiction 7,238
rod 7,237
diligent 7,237
converted 7,235
despise 7,234
offences 7,234
martyrs 7,232
preservation 7,226
followers 7,225
imagination 7,220
confident 7,211
woulde 7,207
proposed 7,204
senate 7,203
ep 7,199
nobility 7,198
bestow 7,195
ounces 7,194
devill 7,192
cares 7,188
synod 7,187
actually 7,185
setled 7,185
record 7,182
ecclesiae 7,179
elder 7,178
poets 7,177
boy 7,167
apparent 7,165
owe 7,164
ministery 7,158
elements 7,152
discovery 7,147
whereunto 7,146
romane 7,145
deeds 7,141
execute 7,141
honoured 7,137
mony 7,136
goodly 7,133
latin 7,128
begins 7,128
encrease 7,121
gouernment 7,116
deliverance 7,108
founded 7,105
permitted 7,104
fail 7,098
solemn 7,093
barbarous 7,090
wits 7,081
touched 7,077
muche 7,070
trueth 7,066
envy 7,064
mihi 7,061
assemblies 7,061
54 7,060
greate 7,058
justifie 7,052
acted 7,050
obtain 7,049
month 7,047
verily 7,047
erat 7,046
57 7,043
variety 7,042
welcome 7,038
deserve 7,037
fearing 7,034
tam 7,032
jer 7,031
zealous 7,030
shewe 7,029
errours 7,024
condemne 7,019
neyther 7,018
exactly 7,017
vvhen 7,014
tenth 7,014
descended 7,012
signified 7,010
greeke 7,002
seuen 6,997
seeth 6,994
plenty 6,993
tower 6,987
fuit 6,980
antient 6,980
mountains 6,977
deliuer 6,974
accused 6,965
venus 6,964
constantly 6,961
fields 6,960
dealing 6,959
talk 6,958
challenge 6,957
